You can join our Priority Service Register if any of the below apply:

  • Use medical equipment/aids reliant on electricity or need warmth for medical reasons
  • Living with a chronic illness of short-term medical condition, or are recovering from an operation
  • Have a disability
  • Blind, partially sighted, deaf or hard or hearing or have special communication needs
  • Living with children under 5 years old
  • Over 60 years old
  • Experiencing any other reason that would mean they need adapted services or extra support even temporary such as recently bereaved or left hospital

You can read more about the Priority Service Register here.

Registering is free and simple:

SAVE Project

Click here to fill out
our easy online form

SAVE Project

Call 0800 294 3259
from a landline or mobile

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Call from a text phone
0800 316 5457

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Download and 
print a
form here
 to send to us

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If EasyRead information and
a form would
 help you
can get
 that here

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Information in other languages
is available here as PDFs or
clicking the Accessibility
button to use ReciteMe